Profound Professional Kelly Leonard CEO of Taylor Leonard Corporation

Kelly Leonard is an author, speaker, trainer, award-winning CEO, and former Fortune 100 Vice President. A certified public accountant (inactive) and corporate trainer with 25+ years serving government, non-profit, private and public industries, Kelly has an innate ability to connect with diverse audiences across disciplines.

Kelly Leonard understands the importance of establishing a strong professional brand to support business success. Now, she wants to help you leverage her passion and expertise on how to look, how to connect, and where to get opportunities using LinkedIn.

Prior to becoming CEO of Taylor-Leonard Corporation (T-LC), Kelly held leadership positions with GE Capital, Kaiser Permanente, and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Currently, she oversees Kelly Leonard Consulting, a division of T-LC that provides training, consulting, and business development support. She has successfully helped thousands of clients to launch new businesses, increase revenue, build profitable strategic partnerships, land dream jobs, and more using her signature B.O.O.S.T. ® methodology for LinkedIn.

Kelly and I are two peas in a pod! Both of us love the powerful Good that can come to serve individuals, companies and communities when social media is put to work as a communication, education and collaborative tool. It was my honor to interview her..


This article was written By: Jessica Koch originally created on LinkedIn

April 29, 2020
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